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Weekes lab (PNAS, 2024)
Human cytomegalovirus protein pUL36: A dual cell death pathway inhibitor
Woods lab (Cell Reports, 2024)
Human Labor Pain Is Influenced by the Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel KV6.4 Subunit
Deane lab (Nature Communications, 2024)
The receptor PTPRU is a redox sensitive pseudophosphatase
Rubinsztein lab (Nature Communications, 2024)
Leucine regulates autophagy via acetylation of the mTORC1 component raptor
Rubinsztein lab in collaboration with the Goldberg lab, Harvard (PNAS, 2024)
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Griffiths lab (eLife, 2024)
Stimulation strength controls the rate of initiation but not the molecular organization of TCR-induced signalling
Buss lab (Journal of Cell Science, 2024)
OPTN recruitment to a Golgi-proximal compartment regulates immune signalling and cytokine secretion
Rubinsztein lab (Developmental Cell, 2024)
A DNM2 Centronuclear Myopathy Mutation Reveals a Link between Recycling Endosome Scission and Autophagy
Buss lab (Biology of Reproduction, 2024)
Myosin VI maintains the actin-dependent organization of the tubulobulbar complexes required for endocytosis during mouse spermiogenesis
Weekes lab (Scientific Reports, 2024)
Comprehensive cell surface proteomics defines markers of classical, intermediate and non-classical monocytes
Buss lab (Traffic, 2024)
Read lab (Acta Crystallographica Section D, 2024)
Measuring and Using Information Gained by Observing Diffraction Data
Read lab (Acta Crystallographica Section D, 2024)
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Ron lab (eLife, 2024)
Unstructured regions in IRE1α specify BiP-mediated destabilisation of the luminal domain dimer and repression of the UPR
Weekes lab (eLife, 2024)
Human cytomegalovirus interactome analysis identifies degradation hubs, domain associations and viral protein functions
Rubinsztein lab (eLife, 2024)
Interferon-β-induced miR-1 alleviates toxic protein accumulation by controlling autophagy
Ron lab (eLife, 2024)
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Griffiths lab (Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2024)
Loss of ARPC1B impairs cytotoxic T lymphocyte maintenance and cytolytic activity
Reid lab (Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2024)
Spastin MIT Domain Disease-Associated Mutations Disrupt Lysosomal Function
Deane lab (Wellcome Open Research, 2024)
The lipid transfer protein Saposin B does not directly bind CD1d for lipid antigen loading
Reid lab (Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2024)
ESCRT‑III‑associated proteins and spastin inhibit protrudin‑dependent polarised membrane traffic
Ron lab (EMBO Journal, 2024)
An oligomeric state‐dependent switch in the ER enzyme FICD regulates AMPylation and deAMPylation of BiP
Robinson lab (Traffic, 2024)
Fast and cloning‐free CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated genomic editing in mammalian cells
Weekes lab (Communications Biology, 2024)
Quantitative comparative analysis of human erythrocyte surface proteins between individuals from two genetically distinct populations
St George-Hyslop lab (Cell, 2024)
RNA Granules Hitchhike on Lysosomes for Long-Distance Transport, Using Annexin A11 as a Molecular Tether
Siniossoglou lab (Developmental Cell, 2024)
Compartmentalized Synthesis of Triacylglycerol at the Inner Nuclear Membrane Regulates Nuclear Organization
Weekes lab (Cell Metabolism, 2024)
Epstein-Barr-Virus-Induced One-Carbon Metabolism Drives B Cell Transformation
Warren lab (Blood, 2024)
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Warren lab (eLife, 2024)
Mechanism of completion of peptidyltransferase centre assembly in eukaryotes
Weekes lab (Cell Reports, 2024)
Quantitative Temporal Proteomic Analysis of Vaccinia Virus Infection Reveals Regulation of Histone Deacetylases by an Interferon Antagonist
Rubinsztein lab (Nature Communications, 2024)
Felodipine ameliorates neurodegeneration in mice
Sharpe lab (eLife, 2024)
Ron lab (Nature Comm, 2024)
MANF anatagonizes nucleotide exchange by the enodplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP
Cambridge Cell Biology Seminars
Cell Biology in Medicine Seminars
Immunology and Medicine Seminars
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